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Protect your smile and your health. Nebo Dental Centre in Hamilton offers comprehensive oral cancer screenings led by Dr. Laith Dawood. 

Oral cancer is a serious health concern, but early detection is key to successful treatment. At Nebo Dental Centre in Hamilton, Dr. Laith Dawood prioritizes your well-being and offers comprehensive oral cancer screenings as part of our commitment to general dentistry. A quick and painless screening can give you peace of mind and potentially save your life.

Why Oral Cancer Screenings are Important

Oral cancer can develop anywhere in the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, and throat. While anyone can develop oral cancer, certain risk factors increase your chances, such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Regular oral cancer screenings are crucial for early detection, when treatment is most effective.

What to Expect During an Oral Cancer Screening at Nebo Dental Centre

Dr. Laith Dawood will conduct a thorough oral examination during your screening. Here’s a general overview of what you can expect:

  • Visual Examination: Dr. Dawood will visually inspect your lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, and throat for any unusual changes in colour, texture, or size.
  • Palpation: Your neck and jaw will be gently palpated to feel for any lumps or bumps that might be indicative of cancer.
  • Additional Tests (if necessary): In some cases, Dr. Dawood may recommend additional tests, such as brush biopsy or imaging scans, to investigate suspicious lesions further.

The entire screening process is typically quick and painless.

Following Your Oral Cancer Screening

Following your screening, Dr. Dawood will discuss the findings with you. If no abnormalities are detected, you will be advised on the recommended frequency of future screenings based on your individual risk factors. If any suspicious areas are identified, Dr. Dawood will recommend a personalized course of action, which may involve further investigation or referral to a specialist.

Early Detection is Key

Oral cancer is highly treatable when detected early. Regular screenings at Nebo Dental Centre are an essential step in safeguarding your oral and overall health.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Don’t wait until you experience symptoms to prioritize your oral health. Contact Nebo Dental Centre in Hamilton today at 905-381-9802 to schedule a comprehensive oral cancer screening with Dr. Laith Dawood. Take control of your well-being and ensure a healthy smile for years to come.


Oral Cancer Screening

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