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Experiencing a toothache? Root canal therapy at Nebo Dental Centre in Hamilton can relieve pain and save your tooth. Nebo Dental Centre provides comfortable and effective root canals.

Sometimes, a toothache signifies a deeper problem within the tooth’s pulp, the soft tissue containing nerves and blood vessels. In these cases, root canal therapy becomes necessary. Nebo Dental Centre, led by the experienced Dr. Laith Dawood, offers gentle and effective root canal treatment in Hamilton to alleviate pain and preserve your natural smile.

Understanding Root Canals

The pulp can become infected or inflamed due to deep decay, trauma, or other factors. This inflammation can cause severe pain and sensitivity. Root canal therapy removes the infected pulp, cleans and disinfects the inner canals of the tooth, and seals the area to prevent further infection. This procedure allows you to retain your natural tooth and avoid extraction.

Here are some signs that your tooth might need a root canal, but remember, a dental examination is crucial for a definitive diagnosis:

  • Swelling and Tenderness: Puffy or sore gums near a specific tooth can indicate an underlying infection that a root canal can address.
  • Sharp Pain: Intense, throbbing pain, especially when biting or chewing, could signal an inflamed pulp in need of attention.
  • Discolored Tooth: A darkening tooth can be a sign of pulp death, which often necessitates a root canal.
  • Temperature Sensitivity: Lingering pain or discomfort after consuming hot or cold beverages might point towards pulp damage.

The Root Canal Procedure at Nebo Dental Centre

The root canal procedure itself is designed to address the source of your discomfort: the inflamed or infected pulp within the tooth. Dr. Laith Dawood will first numb the area for your comfort. Then, a small access point is created in the tooth’s crown to reach the pulp. The infected pulp is carefully removed, and the canals within the tooth are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Once free of infection, the canals are filled with a special material, and the tooth is sealed with a temporary or permanent crown to restore functionality and aesthetics.

Occasionally, an additional appointment may be required to place the permanent crown. Our Team will discuss the specifics of your treatment plan during your consultation.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

At Nebo Dental Centre, Dr. Laith Dawood understands the importance of preserving your natural teeth. If you’re experiencing a toothache, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team at 905-381-9802 to schedule your appointment.

Root Canals

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